The winter season for me is brew season, with the cool weather it provides great temperatures for me to ferment beer. Since cooler temperatures are better for big beers, I brew a Imperial Stout and Barleywine every winter. The past five years have seen a variety of recipes. For awhile, I was on a coffee kick. I tried adding coffee grounds, cold extracted, to the fermentor or to the boil. However, I was never satisfied with how the flavors developed. I have sort of dropped that project and decided to not add coffee to this beer.

This version of my Imperial Stout is a culmination of my experience brewing stouts and from what I learned from books, The Brewing Network and commercial beers. My goals for this edition was something along the lines of the 5050 Eclipse beers. I listened to the interview with Todd Ashmen of 5050 brewing. His interview validated my idea of throwing the in kitchen sink for a recipe and that's what I did. There is a little bit of every dark roasted malt in this beer, as well as some candi sugar. I was really hoping my LHBS would have the Dark Candi Inc. Belgian D2 syrup but, no love. I had to buy dark rock candi sugar and the flavor just isn't the same, not even remotely close. I plan on adding just half a pound.
The other technique that I like to do for these big beers, is to pitch on-top of a yeast cake. The past 4 brews I have done have all been low ABV beers, perfect for re-pitching on. For this beer I am going to re-pitch on the yeast cake from the blonde. I have re-pitched onto the yeast cake a few times before and the beers have turned out great. If you have sanitation issues, this isn't a practice I recommend.
The other interesting fermentable you might have seen on this brew sheet is the addition of malt extract. I can only fit 20 lbs. of grain in my mash tun with the correct water to grist ratio. Dealing with 60-65% efficiency on bigger beers, I can only reach an OG of max 1.080. This low OG will not suffice for my Imperial Stout. To make up the needed gravity points, I supplement with extract. I have done this a few times with other high OG beers and no one can notice there is extract in the beer and most are surprised as if extract is some no-no ingredient.
Without further interruptions.....
Date Brewed: | 30 Jan 2012 | Date Racked: | 20 Feb 2012 |
Date Packaged: | 5 Mar 2012 | Date Ready: | 20 Mar 2012 |
Minimum OG: | 1.075 SG | Maximum OG: | 1.115 SG |
Minimum FG: | 1.018 SG | Maximum FG: | 1.030 SG |
Minimum IBU: | 50 IBU | Maximum IBU: | 90 IBU |
Minimum Color: | 30.0 SRM | Maximum Color: | 40.0 SRM |
Target Wort Volume Before Boil: | 8.00 US gals | Actual Wort Volume Before Boil: | 8.00 US gals |
Target Wort Volume After Boil: | 6.50 US gals | Actual Wort Volume After Boil: | 6.50 US gals |
Target Volume Transferred: | 5.50 US gals | Actual Volume Transferred: | 5.50 US gals |
Target Volume At Pitching: | 5.50 US gals | Actual Volume At Pitching: | 5.50 US gals |
Target Volume Of Finished Beer: | 5.00 US gals | Actual Volume Of Finished Beer: | 5.00 US gals |
Target Pre-Boil Gravity: | 1.056 SG | Actual Pre-Boil Gravity: | 1.066 SG |
Target OG: | 1.118 SG | Actual OG: | 1.118 SG |
Target FG: | 1.024 SG | Actual FG: | 1.024 SG |
Target Apparent Attenuation:: | 77.7 % | Actual Apparent Attenuation: | 77.9 % |
Target ABV: | 12.7 % | Actual ABV: | 12.9 % |
Target ABW: | 9.9 % | Actual ABW: | 10 % |
Target IBU (using Tinseth): | 75.7 IBU | Actual IBU: | 69.4 IBU |
Target Color (using Morey): | 44.9 SRM | Actual Color: | 44.9 SRM |
Target Mash Efficiency: | 65.0 % | Actual Mash Efficiency: | 76.2 % |
Target Fermentation Temp: | 64 degF | Actual Fermentation Temp: | 64 degF |
Ingredient | Amount | % | MCU | When |
UK Pale Ale Malt | 16.00 lb | 58.2 % | 7.4 | In Mash/Steeped |
US Chocolate Malt | 1.00 lb | 3.6 % | 53.8 | In Mash/Steeped |
US Caramel 60L Malt | 0.50 lb | 1.8 % | 4.6 | In Mash/Steeped |
US Roasted Barley | 0.50 lb | 1.8 % | 23.1 | In Mash/Steeped |
UK Brown Malt | 0.50 lb | 1.8 % | 4.4 | In Mash/Steeped |
US Caramel 120L Malt | 0.25 lb | 0.9 % | 4.6 | In Mash/Steeped |
US Black Barley | 0.25 lb | 0.9 % | 19.2 | In Mash/Steeped |
Extract - Golden Light Liquid Extract | 8.00 lb | 29.1 % | 4.9 | End Of Boil |
Sugar - Candi Sugar Dark | 0.50 lb | 1.8 % | 21.2 | End Of Boil |
Variety | Alpha | Amount | IBU | Form | When |
US Warrior | 15.5 % | 1.00 oz | 42.8 | Loose Pellet Hops | 60 Min From End |
US Columbus(Tomahawk) | 15.5 % | 1.00 oz | 32.9 | Loose Pellet Hops | 30 Min From End |
White Labs WLP001-California Ale
Target Profile: | No Water Profile Chosen |
Mash pH: | 5.2 |
pH Adjusted with: | Unadjusted |
Total Calcium (ppm): | 51 | Total Magnesium (ppm): | 8 |
Total Sodium (ppm): | 29 | Total Sulfate (ppm): | 38 |
Total Chloride(ppm): | 18 | Total Bicarbonate (ppm): | 0 |
Mash Type: | Full Mash |
Schedule Name: | Single Step Infusion (68C/154F) |
Step Type | Temperature | Duration |
Rest at | 154 degF | 60 |
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