Monday, January 30, 2012

Imperial Russian Stout

The winter season for me is brew season, with the cool weather it provides great temperatures for me to ferment beer. Since cooler temperatures are better for big beers, I brew a Imperial Stout and Barleywine every winter. The past five years have seen a variety of recipes. For awhile, I was on a coffee kick. I tried adding coffee grounds, cold extracted, to the fermentor or to the boil. However, I was never satisfied with how the flavors developed. I have sort of dropped that project and decided to not add coffee to this beer.

This version of my Imperial Stout is a culmination of my experience brewing stouts and from what I learned from books, The Brewing Network and commercial beers. My goals for this edition was something along the lines of the 5050 Eclipse beers. I listened to the interview with Todd Ashmen of 5050 brewing. His interview validated my idea of throwing the in kitchen sink for a recipe and that's what I did. There is a little bit of every dark roasted malt in this beer, as well as some candi sugar. I was really hoping my LHBS would have the Dark Candi Inc. Belgian D2 syrup but, no love. I had to buy dark rock candi sugar and the flavor just isn't the same, not even remotely close. I plan on adding just half a pound.

The other technique that I like to do for these big beers, is to pitch on-top of a yeast cake. The past 4 brews I have done have all been low ABV beers, perfect for re-pitching on. For this beer I am going to re-pitch on the yeast cake from the blonde. I have re-pitched onto the yeast cake a few times before and the beers have turned out great. If you have sanitation issues, this isn't a practice I recommend.

The other interesting fermentable you might have seen on this brew sheet is the addition of malt extract. I can only fit 20 lbs. of grain in my mash tun with the correct water to grist ratio. Dealing with 60-65% efficiency on bigger beers, I can only reach an OG of max 1.080. This low OG will not suffice for my Imperial Stout. To make up the needed gravity points, I supplement with extract. I have done this a few times with other high OG beers and no one can notice there is extract in the beer and most are surprised as if extract is some no-no ingredient.

Without further interruptions.....

Date Brewed:30 Jan 2012Date Racked:20 Feb 2012
Date Packaged:5 Mar 2012Date Ready:20 Mar 2012

Minimum OG:1.075 SGMaximum OG:1.115 SG
Minimum FG:1.018 SGMaximum FG:1.030 SG
Minimum IBU:50 IBUMaximum IBU:90 IBU
Minimum Color:30.0 SRMMaximum Color:40.0 SRM

Recipe Overview
Target Wort Volume Before Boil:8.00 US galsActual Wort Volume Before Boil:8.00 US gals
Target Wort Volume After Boil:6.50 US galsActual Wort Volume After Boil:6.50 US gals
Target Volume Transferred:5.50 US galsActual Volume Transferred:5.50 US gals
Target Volume At Pitching:5.50 US galsActual Volume At Pitching:5.50 US gals
Target Volume Of Finished Beer:5.00 US galsActual Volume Of Finished Beer:5.00 US gals
Target Pre-Boil Gravity:1.056 SGActual Pre-Boil Gravity:1.066 SG
Target OG:1.118 SGActual OG:1.118 SG
Target FG:1.024 SGActual FG:1.024 SG
Target Apparent Attenuation::77.7 %Actual Apparent Attenuation:77.9 %
Target ABV:12.7 %Actual ABV:12.9 %
Target ABW:9.9 %Actual ABW:10 %
Target IBU (using Tinseth):75.7 IBUActual IBU:69.4 IBU
Target Color (using Morey):44.9 SRMActual Color:44.9 SRM
Target Mash Efficiency:65.0 %Actual Mash Efficiency:76.2 %
Target Fermentation Temp:64 degFActual Fermentation Temp:64 degF

UK Pale Ale Malt16.00 lb58.2 %7.4In Mash/Steeped
US Chocolate Malt1.00 lb3.6 %53.8In Mash/Steeped
US Caramel 60L Malt0.50 lb1.8 %4.6In Mash/Steeped
US Roasted Barley0.50 lb1.8 %23.1In Mash/Steeped
UK Brown Malt0.50 lb1.8 %4.4In Mash/Steeped
US Caramel 120L Malt0.25 lb0.9 %4.6In Mash/Steeped
US Black Barley0.25 lb0.9 %19.2In Mash/Steeped
Extract - Golden Light Liquid Extract8.00 lb29.1 %4.9End Of Boil
Sugar - Candi Sugar Dark0.50 lb1.8 %21.2End Of Boil

US Warrior15.5 %1.00 oz42.8Loose Pellet Hops60 Min From End
US Columbus(Tomahawk)15.5 %1.00 oz32.9Loose Pellet Hops30 Min From End

White Labs WLP001-California Ale

Water Profile
Target Profile:No Water Profile Chosen
Mash pH:5.2
pH Adjusted with:Unadjusted

Total Calcium (ppm):51Total Magnesium (ppm):8
Total Sodium (ppm):29Total Sulfate (ppm):38
Total Chloride(ppm):18Total Bicarbonate (ppm):0

Mash Schedule
Mash Type:Full Mash
Schedule Name:Single Step Infusion (68C/154F)

Step TypeTemperatureDuration
Rest at154 degF60

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